Agriculture Form 3 Question Paper

Agriculture Form 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.Define the following terms as used in Agricultural Economics,(2mks) a)Land tenure. b)Co-operative c)Land reform d)Lease 2.Give the four disadvantages of communal land tenure system.(2mks) 3.Give four advantages of co-operative land tenure system.(2mks) 4.State the causes of sub-division in Kenya.(2mks) 5.State four factors that influence soil erosion. (2mks) 6.Give the four effects of soil erosion.(2mks) 7.Name the four types of micro catchments used in the water harvesting.(2mks) 8.State four harmful effects of weeds.(2mks) 9.List four factors that determine selectivity and effectiveness of herbicides.(2mks) 10.List down four precautions taken when applying chemicals.(2mks) 11.Give the four advantages of mechanical weed control.(2mks) 12.Give four harmful effects of pests on crops.(2mks) 13.List down four factors considered when controlling weeds.(2mks) 14.List four factors that favour the crop pests.(2mks) 15.Give four examples of insect pests with piercing and sucking mouth parts.(2mks) 16.State and explain ten cultural methods used to control crop pests.(20mks)

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