Agriculture Form 3. Question Paper
Agriculture Form 3.
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2009
Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.State one physical characteristic used in classifying soil.(1mk) 2.State three advantages of tissue culture in crop production.(3mks) 3.State two conditions under which shift cultivation is practised.(2mks) 4.State four ways by which agriculture promotes growth of industries in a country.(4mks) 5.State four factors that make irrigation necessary in crop production.(4mks) 6.State four factors that determine the choice of correct tools and implements for tillage.(4mks) 7.Calculate the plant population of maize per hectare if the spacing is 100cm*50cm.(show your working.)(4mks) 8.State four methods applied to improve sandy soil for good crop production.(4mks) 9.a)Describe the construction of a kenya top bar hive.(KTBH) under the following subheadings, (i)Construction materials.(5mks) (ii)Procedure of construction.(8mks) (b)Give four maintenance of practices of kenya top bar hive.(4mks) (c)Give three factors considered in siting an apiary.(3mks) 10.State two reasonr why leguminous plants are preferred for green manure.(2mks)
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