Agriculture Form 4 Question Paper

Agriculture Form 4 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

Instructions:Attempt all the questions. 1.Define the following terms as used in agriculture economics.(2mks) a)Agriculture economics. b)Scarcity. c)Opportunity cost d) Utility of a comodity. 2.Give four roles of agriculture to the economy of Kenya.(2mks) 3.Give four characteristics of a productive land.(2mks) 4.State four changes that would indicate improvement of labour efficiency.(2mks) 5.Differentiate between short term credit and medium term credit.(2mks) 6.State the law of diminishing returns.(1mk) 7.List three importance of the law of substitution.(3mks) 8.Give four examples of joint products in crop production.(2mks) 9.State four examples of variable cost in coffee production.(2mks) 10.State four ways of adjusting to risks and uncertainity.(2mks) 11.Give four factors that encourage good credit management.(2mks) 12.Give four importance of agroforestry in Kenya.(2mks) 13.Give six ideal characteristics of agroforestry trees.(3mks) 14.Give five characteristics of sub-soil layer in the soil profile.(5mks) 15.State four physical weathering agents.(4mks) 16.State six questions asked when drawing a partial budget.(3mks) 17.State and explain ten factors considered when making a farm plan.(10mks)

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