Agriculture Form 3. Question Paper
Agriculture Form 3.
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2009
Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.a)State two methods of increasing soil pH.(2mks) b)Give two ionic form in which Nitrogen is taken up by plants.(2mks) 2.State four ways of modifying soil pH in order for crops to do well.(4mks) 3.State four factors that determine the planting time.(4mks) 4.Give factors considered when siting a vegetable nursery.(3mks) 5.State two advantages of sub-soiling in crop production.(2mks) 6.State two cultural weeds control measures in maize crop.(2mks) 7.State two effects of HIV/AIDS and ill-health in agriculture.(2mks) 8.State four biotic factors that are useful in agricultural.(4mks) 9.Give five reasons why a farmer should diversify his farm enterprises.(5mks) 10.State two effects of pests in crop production.(2mks) 11.Describe the field production of maize grains from seedbed preparation to harvesting.(10mks) 12.State four factors considered in selecting an irrigation method.(4mks)
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