Agriculture Paper 2. Question Paper
Agriculture Paper 2.
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2009
Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.What do you understand by the following terms as used in livestock production: i)Steer.(ii) Ram. (iii)Ewe.(3mks) 2.State four predisposing factors of a disease.(4mks) 3.What do you understand by the term predisposing factor of a disease as used in livestock.(2mks) 4.State four factors that may influence the pulse rate of an animal.(4mks) 5.Outline three practises adopted by a dairy farmer to prevent infertility in animals.(3mks) 6.List five mechanical methods of controlling ticks in the farm.(5mks) 7.List three advantages of nomadic pastoralism.(3mks) 8.Give three stages of vaccination programme for a weaned calf.(3mks) 9.State the gestation period of a camel.(1mk) 10.List four microbial activities that take place in rumen.(4mks) 11.Name the disease caused by the deficiency of Zinc mineral in cattle.(1mk) 12.If a goat is noticed to be on heat on June 7 but is not served,what date is it likely to be on heat again?(2mks) 13.Describe the control measures of disease in livestock.For each control measure give an example of disease controlled.(20mks)
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