Agriculture Paper 2 Question Paper

Agriculture Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010

Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.Outline four disadvantages of deep litter system.(4mks) 2.State four limitations of human power as a source of power in the farm.(4mks) 3.List five mechanical methods of controlling ticks in the farm.(5mks) 4.Outline two reasons of housing calves singly.(2mks) 5.What is actively acquired immunity as used in livestock production.(2mks) 6.Give three disadvantages of windmill as a sourbe of farm power.(3mks) 7.State one method of castrating young goats.(1mk) 8.Outline four characteristics that make Boran cattle to be well adapted to marginal areas.(4mks) 9.State three conditions to check for in a normal egg.(3mks) 10.Give the functions of open ended spanner.(2mks) 11.State three advantages of embryo transplant.(3mks) 12.a)Explain the factors that should be considered when planning the layout of a mixed farm.(10mks) b)Describe the construction of rabbit hutch under the following subheadings: i)Siting of the hutch. ii)Selection of construction materials. iii)Ideal features of a hutch.(10mks) 13.Differentiate between a crutching and ringing.(2mks)

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