Agriculture Paper 1. Question Paper

Agriculture Paper 1. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

Instructions:Answer all the questions 1.a)Define the following terms: i)Land reform. ii)Land fragmentation. iii)Tenancy and landlordism. iv)Tittle deed.(4mks) 2.Give three methods of land reforms practised in Kenya.(3mks) 3.Outline three ways by which land as a factor of production could be made more productive.(3mks) 4.Outline any four problems that Agricultural based women groups face in Kenya.(4mks) 5.Give three reasons why legume weeds need to be inoculated before planting.(3mks) 6.Give four problems associated with use of herbicides in crop production.(4mks) 7.Outline four advantages of co-operative land tenure system.(4mks) 8.Mention four factors that influence the quality of water from roof catchment.(4mks) 9.State four ways of overcoming the problem of water logging in crop production.(4mks) 10.Give two reasons why farmers are encouraged to practise organic farming.(2mks) 11.Give four types of product-product relationship in Agriculture.(4mks) 12.Describe the establishment of grass pasture from land preparation to the time the pasture is ready for grazing.(20mks)

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