Agriculture Paper 1 Question Paper
Agriculture Paper 1
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2010
Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.Name one vegetative material used to propagate each of the following crops:a)Bananas. b)Pineapples. c)Irish potatoes. d)Pyrethrum.(4mks) 2.Give four disadvantages of broadcasting as a method of planting.(4mks) 3.State four factors that would determine the number of operations to be carried out on a seedbed before planting.(4mks) 3.A fertilizer in a farmers shop is marked DAP 18:46:0,net weight 50kgs.From the above information answer the following questions.a)What do the figures 18:46:0 stand for.(3mks) b)What class of inorganic fertilizer does DAP belong and why?(2mks) 4.State four factors that contribute to the competitive ability of weeds.(4mks) 5.State five conditions under which bloosom end rot disease may occur in tomatoes.(5mks) 6.Mention four factors that should be considered when siting a compost pit.(5mks) 7.Give four factors that determine the correct depth of planting.(4mks) 8.Give four advantages of mechanising seedbed preparation.(4mks) 9.Distinguish between superfluous and capillary water in soil.(5mks) 10.State four factors that determine the quality of hay.(4mks) 11.Explain the functions of the Kenya Dairy 8pard as a marketing board.(10mks)
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