Ece 582E: Television Engineering Question Paper

Ece 582E: Television Engineering 

Course:Bachelor Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2012


a. Show that the bandwidth requirement of 625 line, 15625 line, and 15625HZ line system being followed in Europe is 5.5MHZ. Assume a Kell factor of 0.75 and a horizontal blanking time of 12 microseconds. Also assume that about 50 lines are lost during vertical blanking. (5mks)

b. In the scanning process, 485 lines are scanned per frame and 30 frames are transmitted per second. What is the visual signal bandwidth? Assume aspect ratio to be 4:3 (4mks)

c. State the requirements of TV transmitting antenna. (2mks)

d. Assuming a picture reproduction with specification of 200 lines per frame and 5 frames per second, calculate:
i. Time required to scan one line.
ii. Trace time for one line with 4% blanking.
iii. Video frequency if there are 100 blank and 100 white elements in one line. (4mks)

a. What are the video signal components? Explain (3mks)
b. How much time elapses between the start of one horizontal sync. Pulse and the next? Also calculate how much time elapses between one vertical sync. Pulse in an odd field and another in an even field. (3mks)
c. Explain the principle of the TV picture tube. Show how an electron beam is deflected in an electrostatic field. (5mks)
d. In a CRT, the anode to cathode voltage is 2000V. The parallel deflector plates are 2cm and spaced 5mm. The screen is 50 cm from the deflecting plates. Find beam speed and deflection sensitivity of the tube. Mass of electron 9.1 x 10^-31 kg, and charge on electron is 1.6 x 10^-19 C. (4mks)

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