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Lit 100: Critical Reading And Response Question Paper

Lit 100: Critical Reading And Response 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:

Q1. a) What do you understand by critical reading and response? (5 marks)

b) Discuss the qualities of a good critique.(5 marks)

c) Discuss the following concepts as used in criticism.(5 marks)
i) Explication
ii) Analysis
iii) Literary criticism
iv) Extrapolation
v) symbolism (20 marks)

Q2. Identify the essential functions of literary studies as discussed in this course.(20 marks)

Q3. Critically examine the depiction of themes of culture, conflict change and symbolism in The River Between by Ngugi wa Thiong'o (20 marks)

Q4. Give a gender reading to any of the texts studied in this course(20 marks)

Q5. With elaborate illustrations from your experience in literature, explain what makes literary language
different from ordinary language.(20 marks)

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