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Ed 200: Instructional Methods Question Paper

Ed 200: Instructional Methods 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Catholic University Of Eastern Africa question papers

Exam Year:2012

Q1. a) Briefly explain the following terms:
i) Learning (2 marks)
ii) Systems approach (2 marks)
iii) instruction (2 marks)

b) Identify the six level of achievement in the cognitive Domain of Bloom's Taxonomy. (6 marks)
c) state the characteristics of a system. (4 marks)

d) Identify factors that can be used to determine the effectiveness of teaching in a classroom environment. (4 marks)

e) i) Justify when a teacher can appropriately use a resource person in teaching.
ii) identify two major guidelines for writing instructional objectives. (2 marks)

Q2. Analyse the importance of evaluation in the teaching/ learning process. (15 marks)

Q3. Explain using clear examples the factors that contribute to effective teaching and learning for student's academic achievement. (15 marks)

Q4. Identify the characteristics of good questions and assess how a teacher can use the questioning technique effectively. (15 marks)

Q5. Explain how you would manage classroom discipline for effective teaching and learning. (15 marks)

Q6. Explain four forms of teacher preparation that would make classroom teaching effective. (15 marks)

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