Photovoltaic Technology Question Paper
Photovoltaic Technology
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Engineering
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2009
DATE: Monday 1st December 2009 TIME: 11.00am-1.00pm
1. This paper contains five questions
2. Attempt any three questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. State assumptions made and define all symbols used
Q1. a) What are the basic components of a photovoltaic system and describe their functions as used in solar homes [4 marks]
b) A photovoltaic module with 108 cells is connected in series and an area of 1.281 sq-m has the following measured characteristics at the following reference conditions: Short circuit current is 8.7 Amps, open circuit voltage is 60 volts, maximum power is produced when current is 8 Amps and 48 Volts. Other data include temperature coefficient of the short circuit are 1.325 x 10-3A/K and -0.0775 V/K, respectively.
i) Determine the values of Saturation and load current; [8 marks]
ii) Determine the series resistance and maximum power generated [8 marks]
Q2. You have been assigned a job to design a photovoltaic power generating system for use at Kenyatta University student hostel accommodating 100 students all year round. Describe how you would go about carrying out this exercise.
a) Designing and recommending the size of the PV system needed (8 marks)
b) A photovoltaic module with 72 cells is connected in series and an area of 0.854 sq-m has the following measured characteristics at the following reference conditions: Short circuit current is 8.7 Amps, open circuit voltage is 60 volts, maximum power is produced when current is 8 Amps and 48 Volts. Other data include temperature coefficient of the short circuit are 1.325 x 10-3A/K and -0.0775 V/K, respectively. Determine the maximum power point efficiency at a cell temperature of 67.2oC (12 marks)
Q3. A small household lighting system is powered by from 8V storage battery having a 30 Ah supply when fully charged. The lighting is used for 4hours each night at 3 Amps. As an energy engineering graduate from Kenyatta University, you are asked to design a suitable photovoltaic system that will charge the battery from an arrangement of silicon cells.
a) How will you arrange the cells? (8 marks)
b) How will the circuit connected? (6 marks)
c) How will you test the circuit performance? (6 marks)
Q4. a) Using illustrations, describe in detail basic principles of a photovoltaic cell
(5 marks)
b) What is the annual payment of and yearly interest of charged if Kshs 110,000 solar photovoltaic installation is to be financed by a 10% down payment with a balance borrowed at an annual interest rate of 9% for 20 years. The payments are to be made at the end of the year. The market discount rate is 8%. What is the present worth of series of interest payments (15 marks)
Q5. a) Discuss various methods are used for storing power generated from a solar photovoltaic module and the principle governing the process (4 marks)
b) Define the efficiency of a solar cell. Under what conditions is it normally measured
(2 marks)
c) A farmer in a rural countryside wants to use solar energy lighting his homestead and powering domestic appliances. The following are his requirements:
3 bedroomed house, sitting room, corridor, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and two security lights. The appliances include 1 black and white television set rated at 35W, DC and one radio rated 5W, DC. Use the following information: solar panel is rated 60W, DC, current output = 3 A, Average sunshine hours = 6 hours, battery size = 100Ah, lights are 10W, overall system efficiency = 70%. All lights are used for one hour each. TV and radio are used for 3 hours. Describe how you would go about sizing his system. Use illustrations where possible. (14 marks)
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