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Manufacturing Resources Management Question Paper

Manufacturing Resources Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Manufacturing Engineering And Technology

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

DATE: WEDNESDAY 7TH APRIL 2010 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 10.00 A.M.
This Examination consists FIVE Questions.
Answer ANY THREE Questions.
ALL Questions carry equal marks

1. a) i) Define Manpower Planning. (1 mark)
ii) Briefly outline the procedure of Human resource planning. (8 marks)

b) KeyPace manufacturers have been in operation for the last five years. Over this period the performance of the industry has been plagued by low production and a high number of accidents among other problems. The management have consulted you for assistance.
i) Determine what is lacking among the employees of Key Pace manufacturers limited . (1 mark)
ii) Explain what the industry needs to do and its importance. (10 marks)

2. a) Outline measures of system performance. (5 marks)

b) A machine shop handles tool repairs in a large company. As each job arrives
in the shop it is assigned a priority based on urgency of the need for that tool.
Requests for repair can be describe by a Poison distribution.
Arrival rates are 21 per hour,22 per hour and 1 3 per hour. The service rate is one tool per hour for each server, and there are six servers in the shop. Determine the following
i) The system utilization (2 marks)
ii) The average time a tool in each of the priority classes while wait for
service. (10 marks)
iii) The average time a tool spends in the system for each priority class.(3 marks)

3. a) i) Define simulation. (1 mark)
ii) Simulation has gained popularity as an alternative for obtaining
descriptive information about the system in Engineering. Outline
FIVE reasons that have led to this. (10 marks)
iii) State the steps required in the simulation process. (5 marks)

b) Times between breakdowns of a certain type of equipment can be described
by an exponential distribution with a mean of five hours. Simulate the time
between two break downs. Assume random numbers from column 3 in table
1 of random numbers. (4 marks)

4. a) i) With the aid of examples differentiate between divert and indirect
costs in manufacturing. (4 marks)
ii) Outline four methods for determining depreciation of manufacturing
equipment. (8 marks)
b) Outline Four functions of inventory. (8 marks)

5. a) State the assumptions made for Economic Order quantity (EOQ)(6 marks)

b) Peakmax Company distributors tiers to a local Automobiles company. The company expects to sell 9.600 steal belted radical tiers of a certain size and tread design next year. annual carrying cost is Ksh. 20.00 per tire, and ordering cost is ksh 2,.500.00. the company operates 300 days a year. Determine
i) Economic order Quantity
ii) Number of times per year orders are made.
iii) Length of an order cycle
iv) Total annual cost Economic Order Quantity is ordered. (8 marks)

c) A toy manufacturer uses 50,000 rubber wheels per year for its prestigious truck series. The firm makes its own wheels, which it can produce at a rate of 800 per day. The toy trucks are assembled uniformly over the entire year. carrying cost is ksh 10.00 per y wheel a year. Set up cost for a production run of wheels is Kshs. 50.00 the firm operates 300 days per year.
i) Optimal run size
ii) Minimum total annual cost for carrying and set up
iii) Cycle time for the optimal run size
iv) Run time (6 marks)

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