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Agriculture Question Paper


Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Define the term agriculture 2mks
2. As an art what does agriculture entail 5mks
3. State the branches of agriculture 4mks
4. State the roles of agriculture in economic duelorment 6mks
5. What does the country earn after exporting agricultural produce 1mk
6. What do you understand by the term agro forestry 2mks
7. Why is agriculture considered as science 5mks
8. Define the following terms 5mks
i. Floriculture
ii. Olireculture
iii. Pomology
9. List the four branches of livestock farming 4mks
10. Give four examples of field crops used as cash crops in kenya 4mks
11. List down the advantages of shifting cultivation 5mks
12. List down five advantages of mixed farming 5mks
13. How does hiv/aids affect agriculture 4mks
14. List down methods in which hiv/aids and other diseases can be controlled 5mks
15. Define the term organic farming 2mks
16a. Define the term nomadic pastoralism 2mks
b. Outline the disadvantages of nomadic pastorilism 4mks
17. List down the advantages of agro- forestry 3mks
18. Outline the disadvantages of shifting cultivation 5mks
19. Define the term horticulture crops 2mks
20. Define the term agricultural engineering 2mks
21. What do the following term mean 4mks
i. Plantation farming
ii. Ranching
22. What are the advanteges of extensive farming 4mks
23. Define the following terms as used in agricultual productions 6mks
i. Crop pathology
ii. Ento mology
iii. Crop farming(arable farming)
24. Outline the advantages of small scale farming 5mks
25. Define
a. Aqu culture
b. Api culture

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