Research Methodology. Question Paper

Research Methodology. 

Course:Master Of Science

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2007

DATE: Monday; November 2007 TIME: 2.00pm - 5.00pm
There are FIVE questions in the paper. Answer QUESTION ONE and any other
TWO questions

Question One (Compulsory)
Research is a systematic process which begins with ideas and flows through two key
successive phases, each comprised of a number of overlapping stages and steps.
(a) Name the two phases of a research process and briefly explain the role of each.
[5 marks]

(b) Highlight the stages that constitute each phase and give a clear and precise outline
of the activities that take place at each stage. [20 marks]

Question Two
Literature review is a key step in a research planning.
(a) Define "Literature review". Highlight and discuss the reasons and benefits for
literature review as a part of research planning. [10 marks]

(b) Differentiate between primary and secondary sources of literature, giving
examples and advantages of each. Explain why it is not advisable to rely entirely
on secondary sources. [7 marks]

(c) Under "Literature Review" section of a research report (thesis or journal article)
the author should indicate the source of every former research findings or subject
theory reported. Show how you would cite information reported by:
(i) John in the year 2005,
(ii) Odiek and Kamau in the year 2004
(iii) Laichena, Obiero and Johnson in the year 1995.
Show the two formats of referencing for each. [3 marks]

Question Three
There are several research designs that have been developed and refined over time. A
researcher must decide in advance of the execution phase of a research study, as to which
design would prove to be more appropriate for his/her research project.

(a) Explain what we mean by research design. Highlight and discuss in details the
four components of a research design. [10 marks]

(b) Experimental research design is one of the commonest research design engaged in
pure and applied sciences. The principle of replication is one of the three
principles of experimental designs. Explain the principle and elaborate its
importance in experimental research. [6 marks]

(c) What key factors should a research observe/consider in selecting a research
design to ensure its appropriateness for the particular research problem? Discuss
each factor briefly. [4 marks]

Question Four
(a)Selecting a research design is a key decision for research planning.
(i) Outline and briefly discuss the key factors a research should
observe/consider in selecting a research design to ensure its
appropriateness for the particular research problem. [5 marks]
(ii) Highlight and discuss in detail the four components of a research design.[8 marks]

(b) Defining/formulating a research problem properly and clearly is a crucial step and
a prerequisite for any research study.
(i) Outline and briefly explain three key components of a research problem.[3 marks]
(ii) Outline and discuss the main points which should be observed in
formulating the research problem. [4 marks]

Question Five
(a) After a research problem has been defined and the appropriate design
developed/selected, the task of data collection begins. Outline and briefly
describe five data collection issues that the researcher must consider in seeking to
find an economical but accurate way to obtain data to fit the conceptual
framework underlying the study. [10 marks]

(b) Once you have completed the rigorous exercise of planning and execution in your
research study project, you have to make the work done and achievements
publicly known, otherwise it would be a futile exercise. This communication in
written form. Outline and briefly describe the content of key sections of a
research project report. [10 marks]

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