Computer Based Information Question Paper
Computer Based Information
Course:Master Of Science
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2007
DATE: MONDAY, 26TH NOVEMBER 2007 TIME: 2.00 P.M. - 5.00 P.M.
1. This paper consists of six questions
2. Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks
3. State all assumptions made and define all symbols used
Question 1.
a. Explain at least for criteria you would use for selecting and evaluating a
computer based information system for an organization. [6 Marks]
b. Choose and in each case name one application software which is useful in
performing each of the following tasks; document preparation, data analysis
and data management and storage. In each case explain the important features
which make the software unique for the task. [9 Marks]
c. Explain the following terminologies as used in a computer system.
1. RAM
ii. Registers
1Il. Display's resolution
IV. Clone
v. Computer peripherals
Question 2.
a). 1. Describe your home or business financial -processing technique as
a system of data, reports and files. [6 Marks]
ii. Prepare a data dependency diagram of the above system in (i) [6 Marks]
Ill. List and explain at least three ways the reports above are used by you or
others. [3 Marks]
b). Briefly explain the following terminologies: -
i. Database
ii. Database systems [5 Marks]
Question 3.
a). Using an illustrative diagram explain an information system model. [5 Marks]
b). Choose two examples of computer information systems you have seen in action.
Discuss what is involved in each of their main components as illustrated in the
information model. [8 Marks]
c). Briefly explain the following: -
i). Electronic mail
ii). Voice mail
iii). Electronic data interchange [3 Marks]
d). Explain the features and options you may look for in communication software.[4 Marks]
Question 4.
a). Design a flow chart that will read customers records containing name and annual
spending and then print the name and the spending of all customers who have
spending below Kshs. 20,0001- [10 Marks]
b). The following customers: - Marubeni, Litho, Wess, Doughty, Patel and Holeo
have average annual spending of Kshs. 15,000, 165,000, 18,000 and 12,000
respectively. Using the flow - chart in (a) write a computer program in any
standard language which will print the list of the name and the spending of each
of the customers who have average annual spending below Kshs. 20,000.
c). What are the differences between low and high - level languages in computer
field? [4 Marks]
Question 5
a). Discuss some of the computer languages which are designed to be multipurpose,
appropriate for both business and scientific use. [6 Marks]
b). Convert the following decimal numbers to binary, octal and then to hexadecimal.
i). 2,286 ii). 22,842 [6 Marks]
c). Write the word "EXAM" as it would be expressed in EBCDIC coding scheme.[4 Marks]
d). i). Discuss the purpose of documentation in computer programming.
ii). Differentiate between syntax and errors in program design. [4 Marks]
Question 6.
a). From your own experience or from newspaper articles, discuss situations where
one information system replaced another. Try to determine what the goals of the
new system were, and how well it met them .•Also explain in what other ways the
new system was better or worse than the old'one, [13 Marks]
b). Explain the following: -
i). Multiprogramming ii). Multiprocessing [4 Marks]
c). Explain the difference between system software and application software.[3 Marks]
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