Project Monitoring And Evaluation Question Paper
Project Monitoring And Evaluation
Course:Master Of Business Administration
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
DATE: FRIDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 2010 TIME: 9.00 A.M – 12.00 P.M
Attempt Question ONE and any other THREE Questions
Q1) a) Explain the following terms:
i) Evaluation (2 marks)
ii) Means of verification (2 marks)
b) Distinguish between formative evaluation and summative evaluation(2 marks)
c) Evaluation can be used for a variety of purposes. Briefly explain any FOUR
distinct purposes (4 marks)
d) Compare and contrast between monitoring and evaluation. (5 marks)
e) Critically evaluate any FIVE development facets or issues that
evaluations can be used to analyze. (10 marks)
Q2) Governments worldwide are attempting to address the demands and pressures for improving the lives of their citizens. Internal and external pressures on the governments and development organizations are causing them to seek new ways of improving public management. Consequently, many of them have found it useful to employ results based management to track progress and demonstrate the impact of projects, programs and policies.
a) What do you understand by:
i) Results-based management? (2 marks)
ii) Targets? (1 mark)
iii) Impact? (2 marks)
b) Identify the steps to building a results-based monitoring and evaluation system
(10 marks)
Q3) a) Determining what findings are reported to whom, in what format,
and at what intervals is a critical part of M & E. Discuss the importance of
analyzing and reporting data in M & E (5 marks)
b) When analyzing and presenting data what is it that evaluators should
do or pay special attention to? (5 marks)
c) Evaluate the uses of M & E results finds. (5 marks)
Q4) An evaluation that brings with a well-planned design is more likely to be
completed on time and budget and to meet the needs of the client and other
stakeholders. The underlying logic or theory of change is therefore an important
topic for evaluators.
a) What is the benefits of articulating the theory of change for a specific
policy, project or program? (5 marks)
b) A variant of the theory of change model is the logical framework.
i) Explain the meaning of logical framework (1 mark)
ii) Elaborate on the uses of the logical framework (4 marks)
iii) Identify the criticisms of the logframe as a project design tool (5 marks)
Q5) Much like an architect designs a structure before its construction, an evaluator designs and evaluation before its implementation. Ideally, an evaluation process begins ex ante, with the initial project design after which it proceeds in several distinct and important stages. Identify and discuss these stages or components. (15 marks)
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