Management Information Systems Question Paper
Management Information Systems
Course:Master Of Business Administration
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
DATE: MONDAY 22ND NOVEMBER 2010 TIME: 9.00 A.M -12.00 P.M
Answer ALL Questions from Section A and ANY other THREE Questions from Section B
Q1) Kenyatta Furnitures is a small organization that produces cedar furniture for outdoor use for local and international clients. The Organization has been in business for the last three years and has experienced very rapid growth both in its operations as well s profitability. The organization is considering installing a networked computer system to cater for various data processing aspects as well as operations of the organizations.
You have been commissioned to investigate the feasibility of the project and make specific recommendations to organizations management.
a) i) Explain the contents of your report to the management of the organization
with regards to the hardware and peripheral devices and the software that Kenyatta Furniture will use in the proposed computer system (10 marks)
ii) Discuss the various office system applications that can be incorporated
in this computer system citing areas where they can be used. (10 marks)
b) Define and distinguish between the closed loop and open loop system (4 marks)
c) Highlight and briefly discuss the key components of information
systems (6 marks)
Q2) a) Explain using practical examples how MIS is utilized in the planning, organizing
and controlling functions of the management (15 marks)
b) Describe 5 qualities of good information. (5 marks)
Q3) a) The owner of a small chain of auto-accessory shops in five different
towns inputs sales figures into a computer model that displays buying trends for each store. She uses her observations from visits to shops and information gained from the model, to make ordering decisions for each store.
i) Define unstructured, semi-structured and structured decisions (6 marks)
ii) Are the ordering decisions she makes structured, semi-structured or unstructured?
Justify your answer (5 marks)
iii) What features of the information systems she is using to support that it is more of a DSS than traditional MIS? (5 marks)
b) Discuss why information systems projects fail? (4 marks)
Q4) a) Discuss what you understand by outsourcing (4 marks)
b) Describe 4 advantages of outsourcing the information systems/information technology functions to external suppliers (8 marks)
c) while designing an MIS a general approach has to be followed so that a suitable system can be devised to cater to the needs of different organizations. Discuss the steps that are generally taken in the design of an MIS (8 marks)
Q5) a) Information systems are usually categorized according to the type of manager they are designed to support in the decision making process. Relate the various types of information systems to the various levels of management (10 marks)
b) Clearly discuss the various trends that he information systems have take since 1950s to the present. (10 marks)
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