Agriculture Form 3 Question Paper
Agriculture Form 3
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2009
Instructions:Attempt all the questions. 1.Define the following terms: a)Communal land tenure system. b)Co-operative land tenure system. c)Land fragmentation. d)Land sub-division.(4mks) 2.Give four disadvantages of land lordism and tenancy.(4mks) 3.Give four ways by which burning the vegetation encourages soil erosion.(4mks) 4.Give four ways by which trees control soil erosion.(4mks) 5.Name four types of terraces used to control soil erosion.(4mks) 6.State four benefits of weeds.(4mks) 7.Differenciate the following terms:a)Pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide.(2mks) b)Selective and non selective herbicide.(2mks) 8. State four harmful effects caused by pests.(4mks) 9.Define the following terms: i)weed.(1mk) ii)Pest.(1mk) iii)economic injury level.(1mk) iv)Legislative law.(1mk) 10.State and explain eight cultural methods used to control pests.(16mks)
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