Agriculture Form 1 Question Paper
Agriculture Form 1
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2009
Instructions:Answer all questions. 1.Define the following terms as used in Agriculture.(4mks) i)Agriculture. ii)Froliculture. iii)Apiculture. iv)Aquaculture. 2.Give four roles of agriculture to the economy of Kenya.(4mks) 3.Give four effects of HIV/AIDS to agriculture.(4mks) 4.Give four advantages of intensive farming.(4mks) 5.State four importance of water in crop production.(4mks) 6.List down four effects of high temperature in crop production.(4mks) 7.State the effects of wind on crop production.(4mks) 8.State the five factors that affect soil formation.(5mks) 9.Name four types of terraces used to control soil erosion.(4mks) 10.Give four characteristics of top soil layer in the soil profile.(4mks) 11.Differentiate the folling terms as used in soil science. a)hardpan and soil cap.(2mks) b)macropores and micropores.(2mks) 12.Name six biotic factors and give their effects on agriculture.(6mks)
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