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Chemistry Question Paper


Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. What is an atom
2. Draw the structure of an atom and show all the sub-atomic particles present in it
3. Define the following terms
i. Atomic number
ii. Mass numbers
iii. Protons
4. State three uses of alkali metals and some of their compounds
5. Predict the outcome of dissolving chlorine gas in water
6. What are noble gases
7. Noble gases are said to innert explain
8. State the boiling point of water and ethanol
9. Why is possible to separate ethanol from water by fractional distillation
10. By use of dot (.) and crosses (x) show how an ionic bond is formed in sodium chloride
11. Show how a co-ordinate bond id is formed when ammonia combines with hydrogen
12. State any 2 physical properties of ionic compounds
13. Many cooking pans are made of aluminium although it is a reactive metal explain
14. Write equations of burning magnesium
15. Write equations of sulphur and oxygen
16. Write equations of aluminium oxide with sodium hydroxide
17. What is meant by a chemical family of elements
18. Differentiate between an octet. State and a duplet state
19. Demonstrate a simple experiment on the preparation of oxygen gas
20. Explain the trend in the reactivety of the metals in the third period
21. Write the correct chemical formulae of water
22. Write the correct chemical foot of hydro chloride acid

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