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C.R.E  Question Paper


Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

1. Why were initiation river important in traditional african ammunity
2. What are factors that have affected the kinship ties in african traditional society
3. Describe how wealth is acquired in traditional african society
4. How does john the baptist fulfill the prophecies of zachariah in the benedictors
5. Show the ways in which the disciples of jesus demonstrated their love for him
6. What did simeon and ann reveal about the life of jesus when his parenth presented him to the temple for dedication
7. State ways in which the church in kenya is continueing with healing ministry of jesus
8. Why did jesus submit to john the abatist and yet he was not a sinner
9. State ways in which jesus fulfilled the prophesies of isaiah on the suffuring servant
50 marks

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