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Form Three Geography Question Paper

Form Three Geography 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

1. What is natural satellite
2. Give four proofs that the earth is almost spherical in shape
3. Using a diagram explain the formation of fanta rainfall
4. Mention two theories that try to explain the formation of fold mountains
5. Differentiate between a seismic focus and an epicentre
6. Name two types moraines
7. State the factors favouring the development of karst scenery
8. What are the features resulting from river capture
9. Using a diagram, explain the formation of a baltolitts
10. State factors that influence the rate of erosion by a river in its upper course
11. What is a river divide
12. Describe how a river erodes its channel by hydraulic action
13. Describe how a river erodes its channel by abrasian
14. Describe the characteristics of a river in its old stage
15. What is a river rejuvenation
16. Explain three factors that lead to rejuvenation of a river
17. Name three ways features that result from river rejuvenation
18. Name three mountains in east africa where glaciers are found
19. Describe the processes included in the formation of maraine dam lake
20. Describe the processes included in the formation of an outwash plain

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