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C.R.E Form Three Question Paper

C.R.E Form Three 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Explain why the bible is described as word of God
2. Why is it important for christians to obey God
3. Mention ways in which man continues to be a co-operator with God
4. Describe the call of Moses
5. State why characteristics of the covenant between God and Abraham
6. How can a christian demonstrate is fait in God today
7. Outline the importance of temple in the religious life of israelites
8. How did king jeroboam make the people of northern kingdom turn away from God
9. Outline lessons that christians learn about the nature of God from prophet Elijah's contest at mount carmel
10. Identify various ways through which king david promoted the worship of yahweh
11. Outline the achievements of king solomon
12. What lessons do christians learn from the failure of king saul
13. Explain seven duties of old testament prophets in israel
14. Explain six reasons why prophet amos condemned the israelites form of worship
15. What are the problem related to freedom of worship today.
100 marks

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