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History Form 2 Question Paper

History Form 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011


1. State two main methods of trade. (2mks)

2. State the limitations of human porterage as a means of transport. (3mks)

3. Identify the characteristics of macada mixed roads. (3mks)

4. State two advantages of space exploration. (2mks)

5. What are the advantages of modern air transport. (5mks)

6. State any two great railway lines of the world. (2mks)

7. What was the role of the Tuaregs during the trans saharan trade. (5mks)

8. What factors led to emergence of trade. (4mks)

9. Give two examples of regional trade during pre-colonial period. (2mks)

10. Give three roles of Berbers of North Africa in Trans-saharan trade. (3mks)

11. What were the results of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia. (5mks)

12. What are the uses of a helicopter in modern transport. (5mks)

13. State the disadvantages of barter trade. (5mks)

14. State any two uses of sailing ships. (2mks)

15. What were the effects of the construction of suez canal. (3mks)

16. Name the trade participants in Trans-atlantic trade. (3mks)

17. State characteristics of modern roads that differentiate it from macadamised roads. (3mks)

18. State one engineer who improved road transport. (1mk)

19. What factors contributed to development of early local trade. (2mks)

20. What are the uses of bicycle in modern transport? (3mks)

21. What was the role of Western Sudan rulers in the organization of Trans-saharan trade. (2mks)

22. Identify the major routes used by traders during the trans-saharan trade. (6mks)

23. What was the economic impact of the trans-atlantic trade. (10mks)

24. What factors make a camel a good pack animal. (4mks)

25. State the distinct characteristics of homo erectus. (6mks)

26. State the causes of food shortage in Kenya. (10mks)

27. What were the results of cushitic migration to Kenya. (4mks)

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