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Form Four Business Studies Question Paper

Form Four Business Studies 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1.outline 4 circumstances under which a public limited company may be liquidated
2. Give four reasons why the money system of exchange was developed
3. State four factors that account for pre-dorminant direct production in a country
4. Outline four features of an efficient transport system
5. Highlight four forms of economic intergration
6. State four causes of monopoly power in the market
7. Mr. Kobir intends to import a computer from china which cost 5000 china yuan. If 10 china yuan is 1 US dollar and ksh 80 is 1 Us Dollar, calculate the amount mr korir will say for the computer in forms of kenya shillings
8. State four problems that an expanding firm may experience an choosing to localize its operations
9. State four reasons why filing is important in an office
10. Outline four problems associated with the computation of national income
11. State four merits of buying goods on hire purchase terms
12. In the course of preparing his balance as at 31st december 2009 kilele found if had capital amounting to sh.240000 in his business. During the year, investments totaled to sh. 100000 while drawings were sh. 113000.the profit was sh. 76000. Determine kilele's capital at 1st january 2009.
13. Name the type of ledge in which each of the following accounts are kept
a. Cash
b. Drawings
c. Nominal
d. Debtors
14. Highlight four disadvantages of personal setting
15. Identify any four factors that may limit the full satisfactory of a human being
16. Outline four elements that compromise the external environments of business
17. State four banking sources the central bank of kenya provides the for government
18. Outline four services provided by the postal corperation of kenya
50 marks

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