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Form Four Biology Paper 1 Question Paper

Form Four Biology Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1 name three transport tissues in plants
2. List two cell organelles which are found in plant cell but not in animal cells
3. State the advantages of being blood group O
4. What is the organism that causes malaria
5. What are the causes that causes cholera
6. Name two examples of a discontinous variation in man
7. Name two features that discourage self pollination in flowering plants
8. What is the physiological significance of having testes outside the body of human male
9. Other than having many features in common, state the main characteristics of a species
10. Name the cell organic that each of the following functions in a cell
a. Protein synthesis
b. Packages and transport secretions
c. Allower free movement of substances in and out of the cell
11. What is the function of a potometer
12. What is the common characteristics of the phylum arthropoda
13. Name the class in the phylum arthropoda which has the largest numbers of individuals
14. Which part of a flower develops into a seed.
15. Which part of a flower developer into a fruit.
16. A dog weighing 15.2 kg requires 216 kj of energy while a mouse weighing 50g requires 273kj per day. Explain
17. Name the carbohydrates that is found abundant in the
a. Mammalian blood
b. Mammalian liver
c. Plant seeds
18. State the kingdom to which the yeast belongs
19. On complete oxidation lipids yield more energy than equal amount of carbohydrates. Give reasons why lipids are not used as respiratory substrate
20. Name one structure that is used for excretion in the following organisms
a. Fish
b. Insects
50 marks

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