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Introduction To Macro-Economics Question Paper

Introduction To Macro-Economics 

Course:Bachelor Of Science

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Eco 111
Question one.
A) Explain the importance and limitations of macro-economics.
B) Distinguish between micro-economics and macro-economics and state the relationship between the two.
Question two.
A) Examine the various factors that affects the consumption function.
B) What are the measures that can be used to raise the marginal propensity to consume.
C) What are the factors that deteremine the investment function.
Question three.
A) With specific examples from kenya, explain the problems encountered in the measurement of national income.
B) under what conditions are changes in national income regarded as bringing negligible changes in the economic welfare of the community.
C) One of the reasons why the national income in the developing countries is said to be low is as a result of income inequalities, justify the reasons why you think that income inequalities can be reduced.
Question four.
A) Explain the implication of J.B.says law in our modern economic setup.
B) What are the characteristics of kenyes theory of employment.
C) What are the general criticism level against the classical theory of employment.
Question five.
A) show graphically how IS-LM curves are derived.
B) Explain the importance of IS-LM model and outline some of the limitations of the model in a developing economy like kenya.
Question six.
Write short notes on the following:
a) motives for holding money balances
b) personal and disposable income
c) the multiplier effect and the accelerator
d) methods of measurement of national income
e) importance of rational income estimates

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