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Geography Form One Mid Term One Exam Question Paper

Geography Form One Mid Term One Exam 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a. What is meant by the term geography 2marks
b. In which ways is geograpy related to geology 4marks
2a. Name any two colestiial bodies in the solar system 2marks
b. Differentiate the two colestial bodies named above 2marks
3a. State three effects of rotation of the earth 3marks
b. If the local time in nairobi at longitude 37 east is 10.00am. What will be the local time at bachman in liberia at longitude 10 west 3marks .
4a. Give two reasons why the earth is flattened at the roles and bulges at the equator 4marks
b. Give two ways scientists study the interior of the earth 4marks
5. You are supposed to carry out field study on weather station within your school.
a. What instruments are kept in the stevensin screen 3marks
b. Name three factors that were considered in locating the weather station 5marks
6a. With the age of a well labeled fragrans describe how
i. Land breeze is formed 4marks
ii. Sea breeze is formed 4marks
b. Name the effect of land and sea breezes in places they occur 2marks
7a. Give three reasons why weather forecasting is important 3marks
b. Give three factors that hinder weather forecasting in kenya today 3marks
8.tugst four layers of the atmosphere 2marks
b. What is
i. Zero lapse rate 1mark
ii. negative lapse rate 1mark
c. Which of the four layers of the earth supports life 1mark
d. In which layers of the atmosphere do we experience the positive lapse rate 2marks
9. Give three factors which influence the direction of wind 3marks
b. Give the name of the chart on which wind direction is recorded 1mark
10. Differentiate between absolute humidity and relative humidity 10marks
b. State two conditions necessary for the formation of fog 2marks
c. Outline types of fog 3marks
11. Distinguish the following terms
a. Discrete and continious data 2marks
b. Primary data and secondary data 2marks
12a. State three types of maps 3marks
b. Why are maps important? Give three reasons 3marks
13a. State two characteristics of the sun 2marks
b. State three modes of energy transfer in the atmosphere 3marks
c. Give three factors that determine the amount of solar radiation which reaches the surface of the earth 3marks
14. How does circumnavigation prove that the earth is spherical 2marks
b. Outline three forces that influence the shape of the earth 3marks
15. Identify three characteristics of the core 3marks
16 name two plodur without satellites in the solar system 2marks
17. State the factors influencing humidity 4marks

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