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English Paper 1 (Functional Skills) Question Paper

English Paper 1 (Functional Skills) 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2008

Paper 1
(Functional Skills)
Oct./Nov. 2008
Time: 2hrs
You are secretary of the drama club in your school. The chairperson has asked you send out a
notice of the second meeting to plan the staging of shake spear?s play, The Merchant of Venice.
During the meeting, you will need to appoint the director of the play, set up a date for selecting
the cast, discuss the budget for the play, and the dates of rehearsals and the final performance.
a) Write the notice of this meeting which you would send to the members of the drama club.
b) Write the agenda that you would attach to the notice.
Fill each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word (10mks)
By far the 1__________________ obstacle to success, in my view, is poor understanding of
people. Most careers2__________________ working with other people. You can have great
academic intelligence 3________________ still lack social intelligence the ability to be
4_______________ good listener, to be sensitive 5______________others, to give and take
criticism well.
If people do not like you, they may help you fail. On the other hand, you can
get6_________with serious mistakes if you are socially intelligent. How are you when it comes
to working with people? Are you genuine and authentic, or do you 7________________put up a
front? Do you listen to 8___________or do you most of the talking? Do you expect everyone
else to conform to your wishes, your schedule, and your agenda, or do you look for ways to meet
people on their 9___________? If you haven?t learnt to get along with people, you will always
be fighting a battle to succeed. 10______________making people-skill a strength will always be
fighting a battle to succeed. 10___________making people –skills a strength will take you
farther than any other skill you develop.
a) Provide a word which sound the same as each of the following (5mks)
i) Male…………………………
ii) Queue………………………..
iii) Hire………………………….
iv) Blue………………………….
v) Ate………………………….
b) Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
“The Debt” by Paul Laurence Dunbar
This is the debt I play
Just for one riotous day,
Years of regret and grief,
Sorrow without relief.
Put it I will to the end-
Until the grave, my friend,
Gives me a true release-
Gives me the clasp of peace.
Slight was the thing I bought,
Small was the debt I though,
Poor was the loan at best
God! But the interest!
(From American Negro Poetry, Edited by arna Bontemps)
(i) List at the pairs of rhyming words (3mks)
(ii) Describe the tone of voice that would be appropriate in the reading of this poem.
(iii) How does the punctuation in the second stanza influence your reading of the poem?
(iv) How would you say the last are of the poem? (2mks)
c) Consider the situation below and then answer the question that follow.
You are part of an audience that is listening to a speech. You look around and notice that
some people are looking at their watches, a few are yawning, and one or two are shifting
in their seats.
i) What would be the likely cause of such behaviour? (3mks)
ii) What would you do to ensure you continue listening effectively? (3mks)
d) Consider the following conversation between a seller and a buyer of chickens and then
answer the questions that follow.
BUYER: How are you this morning?
SELLER: I?m okay
BUYER: I?m looking for good chickens, but yours don?t look too good.
I?m going to have visitors, and this being the Christmas season, I really must give
them a feast.
SELLER: These are the right kind of chickens for your visitors. They?re healthy and well
BUYER: On the contrary, they look underfed. Anyway, what is your price?
SELLER: It depends I charge more for cocks; they have more meat, you know (pointing at a
red cock). This one, for instance, goes for sh 400.00. as for the hens, I charge sh.
BUYER: You?re not serious! Much of the weight is a bundle of bones. I?m giving you sh.
150. 00 for each hen and sh. 300.00 for each cock. I?m buying three of each-three
hens for Sh. 450.00 and three cocks for sh. 900.00. this will give us a total of sh.
SELLER: You know, I buy and sell. I don?t get them from my shamba.
Your figure doesn?t give me any profit at all.
BUYER: But you also know money is hard to come by, and especially during this
Christmas season. Give me a reasonable price, unless you prefer I go to another
SELLER: Let me make it Sh. 225.00 for a hen and sh. 375.00 for a cock
BUYER: It looks like you?re not interested in selling your chickens
SELLER: No, I?m. why would I be here? My children?s fees come from this business.
BUYER: Okay, take sh. 175.00 for each hen and sh. 325.00 for each cock
SELLER: No, there would be no profit for me. You can do better than that
You can surely promote my small business. Give me Sh. 350.00 per cock and sh.
225.00 per hen. This would be sh. 675.00 for the three hens and sh. 1,050.00 for
the cocks.
BUYER: (During his mental arithmetic) That?s a total of sh. 1,725.00. Okay, at least I?ll be
able to feed may visitors. (Handing over the money) Here you are.
SELLER: Thank you. (As the seller ties them together) You?re good customer. Please come
again. My name is Musimbi.
BUYER: And I?m Karani, See you then.
SEELER: See you.
i) What is the purpose of the greetings in this situation? (1mk)
ii) Identify and explain the negotiation skills of the buyer. (3mks)
iii) What does this business transaction reveal about the nature of negotiations?

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