Agriculture Form 3 Question Paper

Agriculture Form 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.Give the importance of agriculture to Kenya economy.(4mks) 2.Give four human factors that affected agriculture.(4mks) 3.What are the reasons of maintaining farm tools properly.(4mks) 4.State four physical characteristics of beef cattle.(4mks) 5.Give four advantages of liming as a measure of soil improuement.(4mks) 6.Give four deficiency symptoms of phosphorous in crops.(4mks) 7.A farmer is to carry out farming in soil that requires 50kgs of P2O5 and has a fertilizer labelled 20:30:0.Calculate the amount of labelled fertilizer to supply the required nutrients.(4mks) 8.State four reasons of staking tomatoes.(4mks) 9.Give four reasons of castrating male piglets.(4mks) 10.Give four measures used to control tapeworms on the farm.(4mks) 11.What are the causes of infertility in dairy cattle.(4mks) 12.Mention four reasons of swarming.(4mks) 13.Give four reasons for seasoning timber before use.(4mks) 14.Describe the uses of a farm fence.(4mks) 15.What are the features of a good maize store.(4mks) 16.Give reasons why farm structures should be maintained.(4mks) 17.Give the factors that influence the sitimg of a calf pen.(4mks) 18.What are the advantages of zero grazing.(4mks) 19.Why do farmers make silage.(4mks) 20.Give the precautions taken when harvesting pyrethrum.(4mks) 21.Describe the silage making process using trench method.(20mks) 22.Discuss nappier grass production under the following sub-headings: i)seedbed preparation ii)planting iii)field management iv)harvesting and utilization (20mks)

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