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History Form One Mid Year Exam. Question Paper

History Form One Mid Year Exam. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Identify two oral tradition that provided information on history and government 2marks
2. What is the main reason for sty social history 1mark
3. State ty ways through which early man adapted to the environment during the stone age period 2marks
4. Identify two categories of tools made during the old stone age period 2marks
5. Name one main cash arms that was grown in north america during the agrarian revolution 1mark
6. Name the oldest newspaper among the people of mesopatemia 1mark
7. Identify two main maasai sub-groups in kenya 2marks
8. Give two reasons why the coastal bantu migrated from their original homeland 2marks
9. Name one community in kenya that belongs to the highland nilotes 1mark
10. Which communities in kenya is a remnant of the southern cushites 1mark
11. Give two methods of fauni historical information 2marks
12. Where was the skull remains of zinjanthropus first discovered 1mark
13. Identify two hunting methods used by early man during the stone are period 2marks
14. What two factors led to the development of religion believers in societies 2marks
15. Identify any two audio-visual sources of history and government 2marks
16. Identify the original homeland of the river-lake nilotes 1mark
17a. Give five reasons which led to the migration of tug cushite into kenya before 1800 5marks
b. Explain five effects of the bantu migration and settlement in kenya during the pre-colonial period 10marks
18a. Identify three factors that led to domestication of plants and animals 3marks
b. Discuss six factors that have led to peristant food shortage in the third world countries
19a. Give five similarities between early agriculture in mesopotamia and egypt 5marks
b. Explain five factors whic promoted plantation farming in europe during the agrarian revolution
20a. State three factors which show that africa was the cradle of man 3marks
b. Describe the way of life of early human beings during the middle stone age period 12marks
21a. Identify five historical sites found in kenya 5marks
b. Explain five limitations of using archeology as a source of information on history and government 10marks

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