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Physics Form One Mid Year Exam Question Paper

Physics Form One Mid Year Exam 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012

1.a tin containing 5000cm of paint has a mass of 70kg.
If the mass of the empty tin including the lid is 0.5kg calculate the density of the paint 1mark
b. The tin is made of metal which has a density of 7800kg/m. Determine the volume of metal used to make the tin and lid 2marks
2. State pascals principte 1mark
3. State two ways of reducing surface tension in water 2marks
4. A hydraulic press consists of two cylinders of cross sectional area 0.2m2 and 5.0m2. If the piston in the smaller cylinder is pushed down with a force of 200N. Calculate
a. The pressure transmitted by the fluid 3marks
b. The force exerted on the piston in the larger cylinder 2marks
5. State any four phenomena that physics as a subject seeks to explain 4marks
6. State any 2 career opportunities in physics 2marks
7. Which first aid measures can be used in care of
i. Electrical shock 2marks
ii. Burns 2marks
8. High tensile steel is made by mixing iron and carbon. If 200kg of the mixture contains 94% iron and 6% carbon by mass. Bulb the density of carbon. (density of steel 21,40kg/m3 and density of iron 7860kg/m3 6marks
10. A body weighs 0.005 tonnes in air and 4kg when totaly submerged in oil. Find the upthrust acting on the body 4mks
11. Peter weighs 56kg. Calculate
a. His weight on jupiter where the gravitational field strength is 30N/kg 2marks
b. His weight on mars 1020N. Find the gravitation field strength 2marks
12. Mbone is swimming in the black sea at a depth of 10m below the surface of water. If the density of sea water is 1030kg/m. Find the total pressure acting on her 4marks
13. State 4 conditions necessary for a given siphon to work 9marks
14. State the differance between mass and weight 10marks
15. What is viscous drag 2marks
16. The length of a spring is 0.20m. Its length becomes 3 cm when supporting a load of 20N. Calculate the length of the spring when supporting
a. 15N 3marks
b. 40N 2marks
c. 100N 2marks
d. Comment on the answer to past c 2marks
17. A mercury barometer reads 62.2m at a place what is the atmospheric pressure at that place 3marks

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