Agriculture Form 4 Question Paper
Agriculture Form 4
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2009
Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.Outline three factors that influence solifluction type of erosion.(3mks) 2.Give three practises a farmer should carry out to ensure uniform germination of seeds.(2mks) 3.State three methods of breaking dormancy in planting seeds.(3mks) 4.List four reasons why organic manures are not commonly used in large scale crop production.(4mks) 5.Outline three steps followed during land adjudication.(3mks) 6.State two reasons why a farmer should diversify his farm enterprises.(2mks) 7.Explain five enviromental factors that may lead to low crop yields.(10mks) 8.Mention two methods of water treatment.(2mks) 9.Name two methods of controlling weeds in a grass pasture.(2mks) 10.Give two qualities of an ideal pesticide.(2mks) 11.State three methods used to improve sandy soil for good crop production.(3mks) 12.List two reasons for processing maize before selling.(2mks) 13.Give two ways of spreading diseases within the farm from one animal to another.(2mks) 14.Outline two observations on behaviour of chicks which indicates that temperature is too high in the brooder.(2mks) 15.The table below shows the average spacing for some it and answer the questions that follow. CROPS SPACING beans 30cm*15cm maize 90cm*30cm tea 150cm*75cm. a)What three factors determine correct spacing for the crop.(3mks) b)What is the main aim of correct crop spacing.(1mk) c)Calculate the appropriate plant population per hectare for tea and show your working.(3mks)
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