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C.R.E Paper One Form Four End Term Two Exam Question Paper

C.R.E Paper One Form Four End Term Two Exam 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a. State 8 method of teaching the youth in traditional african society 8marks
b. What qualities were considered for one to become a leader in the african traditional society 7marks
c. Highlight the changes on land tenure system in the modern society 5marks
2a. Outline what prophet simon revealed about jesus during his dedication 5marks
b. Describe the annunciation of the birth of jesus 7marks
c. What were the jewish expectation of messiah 8marks
3. Explain the factors that contribute to social harmony in traditional african society 8marks
b. Highlight five challenges that face the practise of circumcision in our society today 5marks
c. How was leisure spent in the traditional african community 7marks
4a. Explain ways in which the church can eradicate discrimination in the society 7marks
b. Give reasons why jesus was rejected at nazareth 7marks
c. Narrate the healing of the conturion servant 7marks
5a. How did jeremiah response to Gods call
b. State five methods used by jeremiah to deliver Gods message
c. Describe the dedication of the jerusalem walk as recorded in nehemiah
6a. Describe jesus triumphant entry into jerusalem
b. What were jews practises observed by jesus
c. What was the signifiance of passion death and resurrection of jesus to christians life today

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