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C.R.E Paper 2 End Term 2 Exam Question Paper

C.R.E Paper 2 End Term 2 Exam 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a. What were the teachings of christ on the holy spirit 8marks
b. What are the causes of dis-unity in churches today 6marks
c. What were the solutions given by paul on the problem of food offered to idols 6marks
2a. Give eight reasons why king solomon built the temple in jerusalem 8marks
b. Identify six ways how king solomon fulfilled the prophecies of samwel on kingship in israel 5marks
c. State seven lessons christians learn from the failures of king saul. 7marks
3a. State the occasions when jesus prayed 5marks
b. Why do christians find it difficult to pray 8marks
c. How do christians reflect the example of God 7marks
4a. Mention five manifestations of the holy spirit on the day of pentecost 5marks
b. What are the criteria for discerning the gifts of the holy spirit in christian churches today 8marks
c. Explain the causes of wife spread poverty in modern society 7marks
5a. Show how moses was prepared to deliver the israelites from egypt 7marks
b. Give lessons that christians learn from the incidence when the israelites warshiped the golden able 5marks
c. In what way did moses portran his obedience to God 8marks
6a. State six ways in which some people misuse the bible today 6marks
b. What roles can modern christians play in restoration of the true worship of God in kenyam churches
c. Identify eight ways used by lie kings of israel to bring people back to God

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