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Computer Studies Paper 1 (Theory) Question Paper

Computer Studies Paper 1 (Theory) 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:1998

OCT/NOV 1998
Answer all the questions in this section in spaces provided.
1. Using a program flowchart explain the “WHILE…DO” interaction construction.
2. Explain two uses of an uninterruptible power supply unit (2mks)
3. Explain the meaning of BACKUP (2mks)
4. Define an operating system (2mks)
5. State two advantages of electronic spreadsheets over manual worksheets. (2mks)
6. State two roles of a system analyst (2mks)
7. Define a primary key field (3mks)
8. State three functions of a database management system (3mks)
9 a) Define local area network
b) State any two components of a local area network (2mks)
10. a) State two types of computer output devices (2mks)
b) State a situation where real time processing would be appropriate. (1mk)
11. State three functions of the central processing Unit (CPU) (3mks)
12. a) Explain the difference between system software and application programs.
b) Explain the difference between digital and analogue computers. (2mks)
13. a) Explain the difference Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory
b) State in which memory the monitor program would be stored. (1mk)
14. State the two requirements of computer program testing (2mks)
15. For each of the following file organization methods, state an appropriate storage
a) Serial
b) Random (2 mks)

Answer question 16 and any other three questions
16. Students sat for a test in computer studies. The table below gives the marks
obtained and the number of students obtaining the marks.
Write a program in a structured high-level language to calculate the mean of the
result. The formula for the mean is given in the table below.
Marks obtained (x) Number of students (f)
10 1
15 2
20 6
25 5
30 10
35 6
40 4
45 2
50 1
55 1
Formula for the mean:
Mean = fx
17. a) Briefly explain the following terms:
i. cell
ii. range
iii. label
iv. value
v. Function
b) A spreadsheet has the following entries
2 Percent 10.0%
4 ITEM 1996 1997 1998
5 Food 56,000
6 Clothes 24,000
7 Fees 50,000
8 Transport 20,000
9. Entertainment 15,000
Provide a formula for cell C5 that can be copied onto cell D5 and the range
C6…D10 to give a uniform increase of 10% of the previous year?s value for each
item. (3mks)
c) State two advantages of word processors over manual typewriters (2mks)
d) List three formatting features of word processor (3mks)
e) Explain the difference between the printing of multiple copies and the
printing of multiple pages. (2mks)
18. a) state any three reasons why people may resist the introduction of
computers at their place of work. (3mks)
b) Explain the difference between data privacy and data security. (4mks)
c) State two operational methods of an organization ensuring the security of
data. (2mks)
d) Explain the use of computers in health care (6mks)
19. a) i) Define normalization (2mks)
ii) State three objectives of normalization (3mks)
b) What is a distributed system? (3mks)
c) State any four criteria for choosing an operating system (4mks)
20. a) Match the computer generation with the technology used to make the
Generation Technology
Third Thermionic values
First Integrated circuits
Fourth Transistor
Second Large scale integration
b) Draw a block diagram showing the function units of computer hardware.
Name the units.
c) i) List three types of secondary storage media (3mks)
ii) State one advantage and one disadvantage of a laser printer (2mks)

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