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Computer Studies (Theory) Paper 1 Question Paper

Computer Studies (Theory) Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2001

OCT. /NOV. 2001
This paper consists of two sections; a and b
Answer all the questions in section a
Answer question 15 and any other three questions form section B
All answer should be written in the spaces provided on the question paper.

1. Compare the two types of diskettes used in microcomputers in terms of physical
size and densities. (2mks)
2. Why is it necessary to have a UPS in a computer laboratory? (2mks)
3 a) Explain what is meant by batch processing (1mk)
b) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of batch processing (2mks)
4. List any four high level programming languages (2mks)
5. A 3 by 4 matrix M is to be added to another 3 by 4 matrix array N so as to give a
third 3 by 4 matrix array P. Using a high level programming language, write a
program segment that assigns the sum of M and N to P. (4mks)
6. the first column in the table below contains the formulae as stored into the cell
F10 of a spreadsheet. Enter the formulae, as they would appear when copied to
the cell M20 of the same spreadsheet.
Formula in F10 Formula in m20
=D10* E10
=A$ 25
=$ D$13
7. Give three advantages of separating data from the applications that use the data in
database design. (3mks)
8. Explain the impact of information on organizations in each of the following areas:
a) Competition
b) Pace of growth
9. a) List any four tasks that an electronic spreadsheet should be able to perform
other than calculations (2mks)
b) Explain what is meant by automatic recalculation as used in a spreadsheet.
(1 mk)
10. Describe the functions of the following computer hardware components:
a) Mouse (2 ½ mks)
b) Scanner. (1 ½ mks)
11. State two differences between Disk Operating System (DOS) and WINDOWS
operating system.
b. i) Define the term application software (1mk)
ii) Give one example of application software (1mk)
12. a) Give one difference between internal and external commands in Disk
Operating System. (2mks)
b) Name twp DOS commands that may be used for checking disk errors.
13. Explain how a paragraph can be moved from one place to another in wordprocessing.
14. Define the term structured programming. (2mks)
Answer question 15 and any other three questions from this section.
15. a) What is meant by each of the following terms:
i) psuedocode (1 ½ mks)
ii) Flowchart (1 ½ mks)
b) a program is required to list the first 1000 numbers in the series: 2, 4, 6, 8,
10,.. Draw a flowchart and write a program that can be carry out this task.
(12 mks)
16. the following car details are to be entered in a database; make, date-ofmanufacture,
colour and cost.
a) Prepare a suitable database structure showing field names and their
field types (5mks)
b) Explain how you index the data such that cars of the same make
and colours are together (2mks)
c) Write a statement that can be used to select cars of the colour green
(2 mks)
d) Give an instruction that would;
i) select cars whose cost lie between 500,000/= and
1,000,000/= (3 mks)
ii) Determine the average cost of all cars (3mks)
17. a) The diagram below represents the essential features o a computer system .
Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:
A B Output device
Secondary storage
i) Name the components (4mks)
ii) On the diagram above, indicate the direction of data flow using
arrows. (3mks)
b) Name the three types of buses in a computer system
c) Explain how CPU registers may be used to carry out a basic calculation
such as:
2 + 7 = 9
d) Name two computers output devices. (1 Mark)
18. a) State three ways in which computer technology may affect employment
patterns in organizations (3mks)
b) State three ways in which computer technology may affect employment
patterns in organizations (3mks)
c) Suggest three strategies that can be employed to manage resistance to
change (3mks)
d) Give three advantages of computerization in an organization. (3mks)
19. a) In a computer based information system, state the purpose of the following
files and give one example where such a file may be required in a school.
i) Report file
ii) Back-up file
iii) Reference file
iv) Sort file
b) State three precautions that should be taken to ensure that diskettes are
well stored. (3 mks)
c) Distinguish between “serial” and Indexed sequential” file organization
methods. (2mks)
d) Distinguish between binary and octal number systems and give an
example of each (2mks)

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