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C.R.E Form Four Mid Term Two Exam Question Paper

C.R.E Form Four Mid Term Two Exam 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a. Identify the occasions in traditional african societies when seers were consulted 6marks
b. Give reasons why incitation rites were observed in traditional african community 8marks
c. Explain the factors that have contributed to present day changes in traditional husband-wife relationship 6marks
2. Describe good leadership qualities whiga a christian can emulate from nehemiah 8marks
b. Give reasons why reforms were necessary for the jews during nehemiah's time. 5marks
c. List the characteristics of true prophets in the old testament 7marks
3a. Identify various forms of punishment prophesied by amos to israel and judah 5marks
b. Show why christians condemn witchcraft 8marks
c. Give reasons why jeremiah condemned human sacrifice in judah 7marks
4a. Identify ways in which christians communicate to God. 6marks
b. What can christians learn from Elijah's prophetic mission 8marks
c. Outline why prophet Elijah held the contest at mt. Carmel 6marks
5a. Give reasons why abraham was called by God 5marks
b. Describe various ways in which christians cater for the needy in a society 7marks
c. Identify ways how God intervened in the life of the israelites during the exodus 8marks
6a. Explain how traditional african seek reconciliation with God 6marks
b. Outline how king david promoted yahweism in israel 6marks
a. Explain why some christians find it difficult to read the bible 8marks

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