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Biology Paper 2 Practical Marking Scheme Question Paper

Biology Paper 2 Practical Marking Scheme 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:1995

1. Confidential requirement: Specimen K – 5 Rastrineobolla argenti
(Omena in Luo)
You are provided with a specimen labelled K. With the help of a hand
lens examine the specimen.
a) (i) State the phylum to which the specimen belongs chordata;
(ii) Using the observable features only, name the class to which
the specimen belongs.
(iii) Give your answer in (a) (ii) above
Lateral line / operculum / gill cover / gills, fins
Acc. fish, osteichythes / bonny fish etc
b) Using the observable features, only state how the animal
is adapted to living in its habitat.
-Streamlined body for easy movement / minimize friction (owwte)
-Presence of fins for swimming / balance
-presence of gills for breathing in water/gaseous
Exchange / operculum / gills cover to allow water of pass out.
-Presence of lateral line helps vibration / movements in water
Waves / disturbance in water.
c) Cut three of specimen K into tiny pieces. Place the pieces into a boiling
tube. Add 5m if water. Boil for five minutes. Decant the extract into a
clean test tube.
Using the reagents provided, identity the food substances in the extract.
Record the food substances being tested for observations and conclusions
in the table below.
Food substance procedure observations Conclusion
Protein To the extract add dilute
Na0H solution and 1%
copper sulphate;
colour appears
Protein present
Reducing sugar To the extract add
Benedict’s solution boil
/ warm
No colour change Reducing sugar
2. Confidential requirement: Specimen M- Freshly picked and intact mature
Flower obtained Solanum incanum or Lycopersicon.
You are provided with a specimen labeled M. Make a longitudinal
section through the flower.
a) (i) Draw and label the longitudinal section of the flower.
(ii) State the magnification of your drawing
X1 – X10 (with or without the x)
b) (i) Name the agent of pollination of the flower
Insects – (Reg – animal alone)
(ii) State two ways, which the flower is adapted for pollination by
the agent named in b(i) above.
Brightly coloured to attract insects.
Stigma is below another to avoid self – pollination
Smell/ scent to attract insects.
3. Confidential requirement: Specimen N Freshly killed soldier termite.
Specimen p –Freshly killed weevil, Specimen Q – Freshly killed
maggot of a housefly.
Animal Type of Reason
N Moist Soft skeleton/cuticle/body/outer covering
P Dry Hard wings / hard Exoskeleton
Q Moist Soft Exoskeleton/body/covering cuticle.
b) With a reason in each case, state the type of locomotion each animal exhibits.
Animal Type of locomotion Reason
N Walking Presence of legs
P Walking Presence of legs
Flying Presence of wings
Q Crawling / Wriggling Presence of prolegs / no
Legs / pseudo legs (false)
C) (i) Adult / imago;
(ii) Larva Rej; maggot

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