Law Of Contract,Sit-In Cat,Bachelor Of Law(Llb) Question Paper
Law Of Contract,Sit-In Cat,Bachelor Of Law(Llb)
Course:Alternative Dispute Resolution
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
Answer the following question.
The question carries 15 Marks.
It is a closed book exam.
James visits a local car auction and is immediately attracted to a red car labelled 'Bugatti 1939',which he had purchases from Paul.Paul is not a car expert but he has borrowed a book from the library and identified the car as a 1939 model.He also sees a Rolls Royce,which Mark informs him was operating perfectly on the way to the auction.James wanders off to look at another car and,in his absence,the engine of the Roll Royce starts emitting acrid black smoke.However,by the time James returns,the smoke has temporarily cleared and he pays full price for the car.
Subsequently James discovers that the red car is fake and that the engine in the Rolls Royce is faulty.His mechanic manages to undertake some minor repairs to keep the engine running temporarily but warns James that,in the long run,he will need a new engine.
Advise James.
Would it make any difference if James can prove that,if he had not bought these two cars,he would have invested in Tom-s vintage Jaguar car,which has now risen dramatically in value?
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