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Business Form Three Question Paper

Business Form Three 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a. Using a well labelled diagram, explain the effects of setting a marketing price
i. Below the equilibrium price
ii. Above the equilibrium price
b. Explain five circumstances in which a trades may needs after sale services 10marks
2a. Explain five factors that can cause a shift on the curve to the left
b. Explain five demerits that may be associated with water transport
3a. Explain five factors that may limit adoption of modern technology in business operations
b. Highlight five benefits of a community that is involved in business activities
4a. Explain five differences between a private limited company and a public corporation
b. Explain five ways in which savings and credit co-operative societies benefits members
5a. Explain five measures the kenya government can undertake to create an enabling environment for business activities
b. Explain five reasons why localization of industries is discouraged
6a. Name and explain five factors which influence choice of an appropriate means of transport
b. Explain five benefits an impover of assorted goods from different countries may benefit from a bonded warehouse

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