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Biology Form Four Question Paper

Biology Form Four 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Give two examples of vestigael structures in man
2. State two limitations of fossil record as evidence of evolution
3. State four ways of energy lost from the ecosystem
4. Name three sites where gascous exchange
5. Name three types of cells that carry out photosynthesis
6. A student viewed 30 plant cells under a microscope which past of the microscope would if adjust and use to view fewer number of the plant cells
7. State the function of a duaphragm
8. State the functions of a condenser
9. Explain why the following procedures are necessary while preparing sections for examinations under the light microscope
a. Cutting very thin sections
b. Cutting sections in water
10. What is the use of
a. Pouter
b. Sweep net
11. Name the branch of biology that deals with the study of
a. Living things and their surroundings
b. Parasites
12. Define the term mutation
13. In a certain ecological study, students wanted to estimate the population of crubs in a pond. They captured 600 crabs on day one and marked them. They captured 500 crabs on the second day out of which 300 had the the mark
a. Estimate the populatio of the crabs in the pond
b. Give the two assumptions made during the study
14. State the specific river in which the following reactions occur
a. Light stage of photosynthesis
b. Dark stage of photosynthesis
15. What is a prokaryotic cell
16. What is the formula for calculating
a. Linear magnification using a light microscope
b. Hand drawing from a specimen
17. Name one structure that is used for excretion in the following organisms
a. Fish
b. Insects

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