Biology 231/1 Questions Question Paper
Biology 231/1 Questions
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2005
BIOLOGY 231/1 K.C.S.E 2005
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. Apart from hearing, state another function of the human ear. (1mk)
2 The diagram below represents a cell.
(a) Name the parts labeled X and Y (2mk)
X ……………………………………..
Y ……………………………………..
(b) Suggest why the structures labelled X would be more on one side
than the other. (1mks)
3. What is the role of the vascular bundles in plant nutrition? (3mks)
4. What is meant by
a) Organic evolution (1mks)
b) Continental drift? (1mks)
5. To which class does an animal with two body parts and four
Pairs of legs belong? (1mk)
6. Name the substance which accumulates in muscles when respiration
occurs with insufficient oxygen. (1mks)
7. State the importance of osmosis in plants. (3mks)
8. Name three factors in seeds that cause dormancy. (3mks)
9. Why would carboxyhaemoglobin lead to death? (2mks)
10. Name the organism that causes amoebic dysentery. (1mks)
a) Name the process through which energy from the sun is
incorporated into the food web. (1mk)
b) State the mode of feeding of the birds in the food web (1mk)
c) Name two ecosystems in which the organisms in the food web live
d) From the information in the food web, construct a food chain
with the large bird as a quarternary consumer. (1mk)
e) What would happen to the organisms in the food web if bird N migrated?
f) Not all the energy from one trophic level is available to the
next level. Explain (3mks)
g) (i) Two organisms which play a role in the ecosystems are not
included in the food web. Name them. (2mks)
(ii) State the role played by the organisms named in g(i) above.
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
11. The diagram below represents a part of the rib cage.
a) Name the parts labeled W, Y and Z. (3mks)
W ……………………………………………………
Y …………………………………………………….
Z ……………………………………………………..
b) How does the part labeled Z facilitates breathing in? (3mks)
12. In a garden with plants of same species, 705 plants had red flowers
while 224 had white flowers.
a) Work out the ratio of red to white flowered plants (1mk)
b) (i) Using letter R to represent the dominant gene, work out
a cross between F1 offspring and a white flowered plant.(4mks)
(ii) What is the genotypic ratio from the cross in b(i) above?(1mk)
c) What is meant by the term allele? (1mk)
13. The diagram below shows a section through the mammalian skin.
a) Name the parts labeled E, F and G. (3mks)
E …………………………………………
F …………………………………………
G …………………………………………
b) State two functions in each case of substance secreted by
the structures labeled.
(i) H ………………………………… (2mks)
(ii) I …………………………………. (2mks)
14. A set up that was used to investigate certain process in plants is
shown in the diagram below.
a) What process was being investigated? (1mk)
b) (i) State two precautions that should be taken when setting
up the experiment. (2mks)
(ii) Give a reason for each precaution stated in b(i) above.(2mks)
c) State three environmental factors that influence the process
Under investigation. (3mks)
15. a) What is meant by the terms
(i) Epigymous flower (1mk)
(ii) Staminate flower? (1mk)
b) How are the male parts of wild pollinated flowers adapted
to their function? (4mks)
16. a) Name two organisms that cause food spoilage (2mks)
b) Name two modern methods of food preservation and for each
state the biologic principle behind it. (4mks)
Answer question 17 (compulsory) and either question 18 or 19 in the spaces provided
after question 19.
17. After an ecological study of feeding relationships students
Constructed the food web below.
a) i) State three human activities that would affect
the ecosystems. (3mks)
ii) Explain how the activities stated in h(i) above would
affect the ecosystems. (3mks)
18. Describe how gaseous exchange takes place in terrestrial
Plants. (20mks)
19. How is the human eye adapted to its function? (20mks)
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