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Biology Paper 3 (231/3) 2006 Question Paper

Biology Paper 3 (231/3) 2006 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2006

BIOLOGY PAPER 3 (231/3) 2006
1. The photographs below are bones obtained from the same region of a mammalian
body. Photograph labeled K are different views but same bone while M and N are
views of different bones.
(a) Name the region from which the bones were obtained ( 1 mark)
(b) Identify the bones ( 3 marks)
(c) State three characteristics feature of the bone in photographs labeled K
( 3 marks)
(d) Name the structure that fit in the opening labeled P in the photograph of
bone K ( 2 marks)
(e) State the functions of the parts labeled S and T in photographs of bone K
( 2 marks)
(f) Name the structures that articulate with the parts labeled V in the
photographs of bone K ( 1 mark)
(g) Name the parts labeled U and Y in the photograph of bone M and R in the
photograph of bone N ( 3 marks)
2. You are provided with two pieces of plant material labeled specimen D. Using a
scalpel cut a slit halfway through the middle of each piece shown in the diagram
Place one piece in the solution labeled L1 and the other in solution labeled L2 allow
the set up to stand for 30 minutes.
(a) After 30 minutes remove the pieces and press each gently between the fingers
(i) Record your observations
L1………………………………………………………. ( 1 mark)
L2………………………………………………………. ( 1 mark)
(b) Examine the pieces
i) Record other observations beside those made in (a) (i) above
(3 marks)
ii) Account for the observations in (a) (i) above (5 marks)
iii) Account for the observation in (b) (i) above (2 marks)
3. You are provided with three sets of seedlings labeled A, B and C. Examine
(a) State the conditions under which each set was grown (3 marks)
(b) State four different between the seedlings in set A and B (4 marks)
(c) (i) Name the phenomenon exhibited by seedling in set B (1 mark)
(ii) Give a reason why plants exhibit the phenomenon named in (c) (i) above
(1 mark)
(d) Name the response exhibited by the seedling in set C (1 mark)
(e) Explain how the response named in (d) above occurred (3 marks

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