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Biology Paper 2 Question Paper

Biology Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided
1. When the offspring of purple and white flowered pea plants were crossed, they
produced purple and white flowered plants in the ratio of 3: 1
Using letter H to represent the gene for purple colour
(a) State the genotype of:
(i) Parents ( 2 mks)
(ii) F1 Generation ( 1 mk)
(b) Work out the cross between plants in the F1 generation ( 4 mks)
(c) Account for the colour the flowers in plants of the F1 generation
( 1 mk)
2. The diagram below represents the lower jaw of a mammal
(a) Name the mode of nutrition of the mammal whose jaw is shown (1 mk)
(b) State one structural and one functional difference between the teeth labeled J and
Structural ( 1 mk)
Functional ( 1 mk)
(c) (i) name the toothless gap labeled K. (1 mk)
(d) Name the substance that is responsible for hardening of teeth (1 mk)
3. (a) what is meant by the term biological control ( 1 mk)
(i) Give an example of biological control ( 1 mk)
(b) (i) What is eutrophication? ( 3 mks)
(ii) What are the effects of eutrophication ( 3 mks)
(c) Name a substance that is responsible for acid rain ( 1 mk)
4. (a) (i) Explain the changes that take place in the pupil and iris of a human eye
when a person moves from a dark room to a room with bright light ( 3 mks)
(ii) What is the significance of the changes explained in (a) above (1 mk)
(b) How does the human eye obtain nutrients? ( 3 mks)
(c) Explain why images that form on the blind spot are not perceived ( 2 mks)
5. (a) what happens when a wilting young plants is well watered ( 3 mks)
(b) Name a support tissue in plants thickened with
(i) Cellulose ( 1 mk)
(ii) Lignin ( 1 mk)
(c) Give three functions of pectoral and pelvic fins in a fish (3 mks)
Answer questions 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces
provided after questions 8
6. An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate
of reaction catalyzed by an enzyme. The results are shown in the table below
Temperature (0C) Rate of reaction in mg of products
per unit time
On the grid provided draw a graph of rate of reaction against temperature
( 6 mks)
(b) When was the rate of reaction 2.6 mg of product per unit time? ( 2 mks)
(c) Account for the shape of the graph between
(i) 50 C and 400 C ( 2 mks)
(ii) 450 C and 600C ( 3 mks)
(d) Other than temperature name two ways in which the rate of reaction between 50C and
400C could be increased ( 2 mks)
(e) (i) Name one digestive enzymes in the human body which works best in acidic
condition ( 1 mk)
(ii) How is the acidic condition for the enzyme named in (e) (i) above attained?
( 2 mks)
(f) The acidic conditions in (e) (ii) above is later neutralized
(i) Where does the neutralization take place?
(ii) Name the substance responsible for neutralization ( 1 mk)
7. How are flowers adapted to wind and insect pollination? ( 20 mks)
8. Describe the role of the liver in homeostasis in the human body ( 20 mks)
The photographs labeled K L, M, N and P below are of bones obtained from a mammal
for each of the bones K, L and M two views are shown
Identify the bones and name the part of the mammalian body from which each was
Body Identity of the bone where found
K …………………… …………………………………..
L …………………… …………………………………..
M …………………… …………………………………..
N …………………… …………………………………..
P …………………… …………………………………..
Name the parts labeled 1,2,3,4 and 5 ( 5 mks)
1. ………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………………….
3. ………………………………………………………………………………….
4. ………………………………………………………………………………….
5. ………………………………………………………………………………….
Name the bones that form a joint with bone K at its anterior and posterior and in each
case name the type of joint they form ( 4 mks)
(i) Bone(s) ……………………………………………………………………
(ii) Type of joint …………………………………………………………………...
Posterior end
(i) Bone (s) …………………………………………………………………..
(ii) Type of joint …………………………………………………………………..
State the function of the structure labeled 6 in bone P ( 1 mks)
2. You are provided with substances labeled P,Q,X,Y and Z. P and Q are food
substances, while X is dilute hydrochloric acid, Y is dilute sodium hydrogen
carbonate and Z is Benedict’s solution. Carry outs tests to determine the food
substance (s) in P and Q. ( 12 mks)
Substance Food
being tested for
Procedure Observations Conclusions
3. The photographs labeled W, X, Y and Z show seedlings that were grown under
different conditions. Examine them
Using observable features only state three differences between the seedling in
photographs W and X ( 3 mks)
Seedlings in photographs Y and Z were planted at the same time but under different
conditions. Explain how the response exhibited by the seedlings in photographs Z
occurred. ( 2 mks)

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