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History Paper 2 Questions 2006 Question Paper

History Paper 2 Questions 2006 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2006

1. Give one reason why Homo Habilis was referred to as „able? man (1mk)
2. Identify one area in Africa where agriculture began. (1mk)
3. Identify one type of trade. (1 mk)
4. Identify two improvements which were made on macadamized roads in the
Nineteenth century. (2mks)
5. State two advantages of use of electricity in industries during the industrial
Revolution (2mks)
6. State the main contribution of the discovery of chloroform in the field of
medicine. (1 mk)
7. Identify two factors that led to the growth of Athens as an urban centre.
8. Name two officials who assisted the ruler of the shona to administer the
Kingdom. (2mks)
9. What is the difference between the scramble and partition of Africa in the
nineteenth century? (2mks)
10. Name one colony of British in West Africa (1mk)
11. Give one reason why the Africans in Tanganyika were against the use of Akindas
by German colonial administrators. (1mk)
12. Identify two peaceful methods which the nationalists used in South Africa in the
struggle for Independence.
13 Give one reason why the United States of America (U.S.A) did not join the First
World War until 1971. (1mk)
14. Give the main reason for the failure of the League of Nations (1mk)
15. State two achievements of Pan-Africancism between 1945 and 1963. (2mks)
16. State two political challenges that faced Tanzania during the rule of President
Mwalimu Nyerere. (2mks)
17. Who is the head of Government in India? (1 mark)
18. a) What were the physical changes which occurred in early human beings as
they evolved From ape –like creature to modern people? (5mks)
b) Described the way of life of Early Human beings during the Old Stone
Age period. (10 mks)
19 a) Give three factors which should be considered when sending a message.
b) Explain the effects of Telecommunications on modern society. (12mks)
20 a) Give three reasons why Lobengula was defeat by the British in 1893?
(3 mks)
b) What were the results of the British Ndebele war of 1893? (12mks)
21. a) What five reasons encouraged the nationalists in Mozambique to use
Armed struggle to attain independence. (5mks)
b) Describe the problems which undermined the activities of the nationalists
in Mozambique. (10 mks)
22 a) Give three ways through which trade contributed to the rise of Asante
Kingdom during the eighteenth century. (10mks)
b) Describe the social organization of Asante Kingdom in the eighteenth
century. (12mks)
23. a) Give three categories of the Prime Ministries in Britain? (3mks)
b) What are the duties of the prime Ministries in Britain? (12 mks)
24 a) Give three organs of Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS) (3 marks)
b) Give three organs of the Economic community of West African State
(ECOWAS) since its formations? (12 mks)

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