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C.R.E Form One Question Paper

C.R.E Form One 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Give the meaning of the word "life skills" 1marks
2. Name five forms of corruption found in our society today 5marks
3. Outline the dangers of having a king in israel 5marks
4. Name qualities of moses that a modes leader emulate 5marks
5. Identify four ways which God took care of israelites during the exodus 4marks
6. List tin old testament covenants in the bible 5marks
7. Outline reasons why abraham is referred as the father of faith 5marks
8. Outline five similarities in the biblical accounts of creation 5marks
9. "subdue the earth" Explain in what ways human beings have fulfilled the command 5marks
10. Explain why the bible is referred to as a library 5marks
11. Give five reasons why C.R.E is tough in schools 5marks

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