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Cre Form Two Question Paper

Cre Form Two 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012


a. State the Jewish expectation of Messiah. (8mks)
b. Explain the role of John the Baptist. (6mks)
c. In which ways are the church preparing people in the community for Jesus. (6mks)

a. Write down five teachings of John the Baptist about Jesus Christ. (5mks)
b. Identify various ways through which Jesus prepared his disciples for his coming death. (5mks)
c. What should be the qualities of an evangelist in Kenya today. (10mks)

a. Narrate the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. (10mks)
b. State the lesson a christian can learn from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. (5mks)
c. In what ways do people misuse wealth. (5mks)

a. Explain the reasons why the Traditional African Society offers sacrifices. (4mks)
b. Identify the occasions when oaths were administered in Traditional African Society. (8mks)
c. Give various roles of religious specialists in African Traditional Society. (8mks)

a. Give the activities of King Jeroboam that made Israelites in the Northern turn away from God. (7mks)
b. Give ways in which the Israelites disobeyed the 10 commandments. (6mks)
c. What can Christians learn from the call of Abraham. (6mks)

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