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Certificate In Management Question Paper

Certificate In Management 

Course:Certificate In Management

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

a. Highlight five main activities that are carried out within the scope of purchasing. (10mks)
b. Explain five issues that should be dealt with during pre-negotiation stage of a contract. (10mks)

a. Explain the measures you would undertake to ensure quality materials are delivered in an organization. (12mks)
b. Highlight four advantages to an organization of undertaking price analysis exercise. (8mks)

3. Explain the factors that should be considered by organizations when determining each of the following stock levels.
i. Minimum stock levels. (5mks)
ii. Hastening. (5mks)
iii. Reordering. (5mks)
iv. Maximum. (5mks)

a. Explain the reasons for stock taking in an organization. (8mks)
b. Highlight advantages and disadvantages of distributing materials by air to an organization. (12mks)

a. Describe the procedure for receiving and issuing of stocks in an organization. (12mks)
b. Highlight the factors to consider when constructing a storehouse. (8mks)

a. Highlight the circumstances under which an organization would find it appropriate to use tendering as a purchasing method. (10mks)
b. Outline five ethical guidelines that purchasing professionals should adhere to minimize corruption. (10mks)

7. Highlight the type and details of documents that facilitate certification of invoices, by purchasing department, for payment purposes. (20mks)

a. Highlight five reasons why organizations computerize their purchasing activities. (10mks)
b. Outline five disadvantages of using fixed location system in warehouses. (10mks)

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